You have high standards
Whether it’s your business and career, how you take care of your family or how you take care of yourself — You want it all to go well.
And while you have success in many areas of your life, it’s easy to put your health on the back burner.
Bit by bit, it’s not so noticeable. Until you realize you’re tired, burnt out and feeling stuck.
I help you get unstuck with evidence-informed coaching.
There’s all kinds of information and programs out there about how to get healthy. Diet culture has certainly given us that. And we think if only we follow the next weight loss or fitness plan to the letter, our problems will be solved.
The problem is, these plans don’t take you into account. They aren't customized, and they don’t consider your lifestyle, strengths or past successes. They’re one-size-fits all. And you’re not.
The truth is, you have what you need to get where you want to go -- and knock down every barrier on the way. I’ll help you see that.
I help you create your definition of health and live it.
I bring a blend of strengths and perspective I’ve gained through my experience as a corporate leader, entrepreneur and someone who’s lived through scary health issues -- all while raising a family. Let me share my story with you.
Like many women, I've worshipped at the altar of weight loss.
I’ve counted calories, counted points. I’ve attended meetings. I’ve eaten zero carbs. I’ve eaten all carbs. I’ve even been part of a 12-week, public weight-loss competition in a local fitness magazine. (spoiler alert -- I gained all the weight back).
I believe we shouldn't have to make ourselves miserable to be healthy. And I believe health is about way more than diet + exercise.
Just as I was getting the hang of living this new philosophy, I mysteriously started waking up with swollen eyes and bright red, patchy, scaly eczema all over my neck.
My fatigue and brain fog were outrageous. I contemplated taking FMLA.
I know what it’s like to…
that my symptoms will always plague me and there’s no one who can help me. And worry I’ll be limited later in life because of it.
be stuck…
on the hamster wheel of constant catering to others’ needs before my own. And being too tired to do anything about it.
physically active people who are hiking, running, rock climbing -- and wish I had the strength to be more adventurous. Or even just play with my kids.
my body will never shed weight -- and wonder if that’s even what I truly want anymore.
I’m unworthy because I’m not living up to society’s picture of a happy, fit mom who’s good at everything.
on coping mechanisms that don’t help me in the long run - like having my hand in a bag of potato chips when things get hard.
Unbelievably, over the course of all of this, I had two babies. And went from being a communications staff member to the director of marketing for a Fortune 1000 company. With a long commute each day.
Burnout much?
I did a good job of hiding it, but I was miserable.
Finally, with help from a functional medicine doctor, I learned my symptoms were from CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome), fueled by exposure to mold growing in my home. It took me six years of seeing doctor after doctor to get this root-cause diagnosis and finally be able to do something to fix it.
While I poured hours (of my “spare time” 😂) into researching ways to help myself, I learned a lot about how to cope with my circumstances, dig myself out of the rock I was under, and reclaim my life.
My biggest lessons?
Do it your way.
There’s no right way to be healthy, but there’s a right way for you. Force-fitting someone else’s plan into our unique lives doesn’t work in the long run. We have to be the ones to experiment and determine what works best.
Happiness is no longer negotiable.
Life’s too short. To change, we push past our comfort zone. But no pain no gain at all costs doesn’t work for me.
Find support.
I certainly didn’t get to where I am by going it alone. Identify someone, like a health coach, who can help you define and execute your vision of health.